What Order Do You Clean A House?

What Order Do You Clean A House? Cleaning your house is a necessary chore that everyone needs to do but not one that everyone enjoys doing. The best way to make sure that your home stays clean and tidy is to work out an appropriate cleaning schedule that works for you.

Here are some helpful tips on how often you should be cleaning your house. Read on this article to learn more – What Order Do You Clean A House?

House Cleaning Schedule

1- Every day :

While weekends are busy enough without worrying about tidying up, Monday through Friday are the days when life gets in the way of keeping things neat.

It’s essential to take just a few minutes each day after breakfast or dinner to quickly pick up and put things back in their proper place. If you do this, you will find that you don’t need to spend as much time on your house cleaning schedule.

2- Weekend :

One of the best ways to help make your weekends less hectic is to have a quick clean before Friday evening comes around. This way, when it’s finally time for the weekend, the last thing you want to be worrying about is how dirty your home has become throughout the week.

The important thing is not to let any dirt or clutter pile up in between weekend cleans. If it does, then that means more work for when the next weekend rolls around again!

3- Once A Month :

On average, most people think that they should be doing a big clean once every month. This sounds about right, but realistically it’s not. Unless you enjoy doing housework or have very little in your home, you won’t be able to get away with only having one messy clean each month!

What will happen is you won’t even be able to remember what the room looked like when it was tidied! There is no point in organizing and cleaning just for it to become dirty again next week. If you are looking for more than just an overall messy clean every month, then follow this example:

  • A deep house clean on the first weekend of each month (ceilings, walls, floors, skirting boards, etc.).
  • An easy sweep-through of all rooms on the second weekend of each month.
  • A quick tidy once a week after breakfast or dinner.

4- Spring Clean :

Every spring, it is essential to go through your home with a fine-tooth comb and clean everything you can think of.

The best house cleaning order tips.

Of course, the right way is to clean before you get started. However, that’s not always possible. If you don’t have time for it or are thinking of doing several jobs at once, make use of these things to make your job easier and faster.

1. Easiest House Cleaning Order

What Order Do You Clean A House?

Start with the most accessible jobs first. Have a list of everything you need to do written down to avoid forgetting anything(like forgetting to put away the dishes after washing them!). Most people start on what they dislike most, but this will take up the whole afternoon because the one thing you hate doing takes too much time.

2. Make A Schedule Of House Cleaning Checklist And Stick To It

If you write down everything, it’ll be easy to divide them into chunks to be done quickly. Do one job after the other and always remember to put back everything that needs to go where(like your child’s toys).

3. The Right House Cleaning Order

Start with cleaning the dirty surfaces like the tabletops, stovetop, and sinks first. Then you can move on to what is next in your list of house cleaning orders; dusting off any cobwebs or shelves before washing walls(unless your walls need repainting!). Vacuum floors last since if you do it earlier, some debris will scatter around while vacuuming.

4. Don’t Be A Slave To Your List

You shouldn’t miss out on cleaning too! If you need to wipe down the windows or dust off a particular shelf, go ahead and do that. Remember all the stuff you’ve been meaning to get done but kept putting it off because there are so many things on your to-do list?

This is where you can finally get all those messy jobs done and surprise everyone with how clean and tidy your house has become.

5. Things To Have So That You Can Clean Almost Anything:

What Order Do You Clean A House?

When I started doing housekeeping, I never knew that there would be so many things that would come in handy for household chores.

Every home should have some valuable items: A bucket(for mopping or washing floors).A steam mop(which works best for tiles, linoleum, and laminate floors). A vacuum cleaner(although it’s essential, take note that there are different types- canister, upright and cordless.

Steam cleaners (best to clean toilet seats and stubborn stains on kitchen appliances like your oven or microwave. Cleaning rags such as paper towels (for wiping surfaces) and dishcloths (for doing dishes or washing off clean plastics.

You don’t need sponges since they leave dirt behind when you brush with them.) A sponge mop(if you have a small area of flooring to cover, this is the best accessory to get!)

6. Don’t Rely On A Mop And Water To Get Rid Of Stains In Your Floors

What Order Do You Clean A House?

If you have a tough stain on your floor, don’t think that mopping it with water will solve everything. Look for an effective cleaner that works perfectly well in getting rid of tough stains and dirt!

You can ask a neighbor or friend if they have any old solutions from their cleaning habits. I’ve done this too and have found some unbelievable remedies to everyday household problems.

7. Don’t Forget The Dirty Spots In Your House

Kids might be messy, but it’s still your responsibility as a parent to make sure that the toy room looks neater than before.

If you spot some dirty spots where balls are scattered all over the place, or there are some chips left on the floor, it’s time to clean them! You can put away these objects first before doing anything else.

8. Who Else Can Help You Do Housekeeping?

When you think that you’ve done everything on your list, don’t forget others who might help you out!

Parents have a significant role in household chores like washing up make them feel like their contribution is substantial by letting them do simple things like putting dishes where they go or cleaning floors with a rag and mop to get rid of any stains.

If you think about it, housework should be everyone’s responsibility, so why not share the load? Nobody likes being told what to do anyway(even me!), which will make you and your family members happier and less stressed.

9. Do Housekeeping As A Family Activity

If the whole family is helping with house cleaning, you might as well think of turning it into a bonding time for everyone. Like a camping or outdoor activities, the whole family can do something they enjoy together- aside from that, they can learn how to clean up after themselves, which helps develop their character early on in life.

10. Establish A Routine For Household Chores And Stick To It

What Order Do You Clean A House?

After doing household chores with your friends or family members, everyone must agree on when to start this activity (maybe before bedtime). There should be no excuse for not doing what’s necessary, especially if you know that a bit of littering will not save you from the trouble of doing housekeeping.

What Order Do You Clean A House? – Conclusion

The above are some of the best house cleaning orders. Go through them well and select the one that fits your house cleaning needs well.

We hope you enjoyed the article – “What Order Do You Clean A House?” If you are looking for any cleaning services, even carpet cleaning or disinfection services, feel free to contact us at 6844 8444! We are always here for you!

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