NEA Approved Disinfection Service – As the cleaning industry intensifies its cleaning and disinfection services, NEA recognizes the importance of providing information on the safety of cleaning agents in general.
Together with the Environmental Management Association of Singapore (EMAS), NEA has developed easy-to-use cleaning and hygiene tip. Below are some of the NEA recommended disinfection service tips that will help you to clean and disinfect:
For electronic devices such as tablets, mobile phones, keyboards, and remote controls, remove any visible dirt. Follow the instructions for all cleaning and disinfecting agents. You can use covers to clean electronic devices.
When you are disinfecting touch screens, use sprays or wipes that contain 70% alcohol if there are no manufacturer’s instructions. To prevent moisture buildup, use completely dry surfaces.
Hard surfaces
You should wear disposable gloves disinfecting surfaces. You need to dispose the gloves after cleaning. When disposable gloves are used, use them to clean and disinfect COVID 19 surfaces and shouldn’t be used for other purposes.
Use the instructions recommended for the detergents and disinfectants used. Wash your hands immediately after taking off the gloves. If the surfaces are dirty, wash them with detergent and water before disinfection.
The most common household disinfectants registered by the NEA must be effective for disinfection. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all detergents and disinfectants (concentration, method of application and exposure time, etc.)
Clothing, linen and other items of laundry
You should wear disposable gloves to wash patients and throw them away after the use. If disposable gloves are used, use them disinfect the COVID-19 surface and not for other domestic purposes. Wash your hands as soon as you take off the gloves.
In case you don’t wear gloves when doing dirty laundry, wash your hands after cleaning. Do not touch with dirty clothes. It will minimize the risk of airborne spread of the virus.
The products should be washed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If possible, wash them in hot water and dry them completely. Patients’ dirty clothes can be washed together with other people’s items.
Baskets should be cleaned and disinfected according to the above instructions. If possible, pack a bag that can be used as a disposable bag (can be thrown away) or for washing.
Soft surfaces
On soft surfaces such as curtains and carpets, remove visible dirt, if any, and clean these surfaces with appropriate cleaners. After cleaning: The products should be washed according to the instructions recommended.
If possible, rinse the products with hot water and dry them thoroughly.
Otherwise, use products approved by NEA, approved for outdoor use, COVID-19 compliant, and suitable for use on porous surfaces.
Hand hygiene and other preventive measures
People should wash their hands frequently after removing gloves and wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds after contact with the patient. If there is no soap or water and no visible hand contamination, a hand care product based on alcohol containing 60% alcohol may be used.
However, if hands are soiled, always wash them with soap and water. To ensure safe and effective use, always read and follow the instructions on the label for proper cleaning and disinfection.
People should follow normal preventive measures at work and home, including recommended hand hygiene, and avoid contact with the eyes, nose, or mouth of unwashed hands.
Another important point for clean hands is after nose, coughing or sneezing while eating or cooking, after visiting the toilet and after contact with pets or animals.
Other recommendations
Non-disposable serving items should be handled with gloves and cleaned in warm water or a dishwasher. Wash hands after using used food serving equipment with disinfectants recommended by NEA.
If possible, use a disposable container. Wear protective gloves when removing, using, and disposing of garbage bags. Wash hands after treatment or disposal.
Contact your local health department, if available, for information on the disposal of the bags.
NEA Approved Disinfection Service – Conclusion
Coronavirus has brought the importance of hygiene and cleanliness, which we often overlook. The cleanliness of the homes, offices, vehicles, and restrooms is essential, especially during this virus outbreak.
When disinfecting and cleaning surfaces, it is important to protect yourself by wearing protective clothing. Keep children and pets away, because chemicals can be aggressive – keep all viruses away!