How To Remove Fingerprint Stains From Cabinet?

How To Remove Fingerprint Stains From Cabinet? A clean and squeaky environment makes a heart glad, and stress goes away. Any space and room inside the home can be kept well and maintained if we have some top-of-the-line expert cleaning tips that stood the test of time.

Cleaning is never an easy task, mainly if we constantly deal with minor and challenging fingerprint stains. We know you are nearly giving up, so buckle up and be ready because these fingerprint stain removal techniques are just the right and ones for your needs.

Indeed, you can’t wait to remove fingerprint stains, so let’s dive in! It’s easy to remove fingerprint stains from cabinets

We use cabinets daily, so it is noticeable to see some spots in its space, especially if they are kitchen cabinets. The smaller the stain, the harder it is to remove fingerprint stains or gunks.

Thankfully, things are not hard the second time around. How much more if we remove fingerprint stains more than we ever did? Then, we might perfect the formula for keeping our beloved cabinets stain-free, odor-free, stick-free, grease-free, and especially fingerprint mark-free.

1st step: Do you schedule?

Do you clean by schedule, or do you clean out of convenience? If you are most people, you might be here simply because you want to remove fingerprint stains ASAP, but here is what you need to know before you remove fingerprint stains: you should clean according to a schedule!

Let’s face it: cabinets will always get dirty as long as you use them!

That means as long as you use your cabinet for a lifetime, it will also be a lifetime of you removing fingerprint stains, removing grease, gunk, and keeping it “usable” for your family. Having a specific schedule in a week about what to clean is a fine start for you to decide on doing.

If you do laundry on Mondays and Tuesdays, you clean the rooms on Wednesdays to Fridays, then Saturday can be a very nice time to focus on the furniture. Aside from cleaning, you also maintain its functionality. If you care for it by cleaning it, you might as well prolong its lifespan.

2nd step: Diagnose well

 How To Remove Fingerprint Stains From Cabinet?

Who else but you can know what fingerprint stain is there on your cabinets? If you can track down which is which, you can surely get a hold of having the best technique in keeping your cabinet stain-free.

Recognize stains well. See if you can compare residues. You can also categorize if you want an easier cleaning task.

Fingerprint stain categories:
  • Oil – cooking oils for when you cook in the kitchen.
  • Grease – cabinets above the gas range are the ones prone to getting the grease. If you clean it but accidentally get your hand on it, its oil might be harder to remove when you touch your cabinet with that greasy finger.
  • Food splatter – ketchup, thick sauces, and butter maybe your top stressor for the grease or oil residue it leaves with your fingers, but have no worries; you can remove this fingerprint stain through simple and easy steps.
  • Water – yes, even water can be a stain. If left solid, water can stain badly, leaving an uneven color to the cabinet you so love to use.
  • Paint – if you have a child at home, you might find yourself struggling to keep their hands always clean, leaving not just fingerprints but big and colorful stains.

    It is good to recall which paint it is to find the cleaning solution to remove fingerprint stain; if not, you might end up repainting them. That would be the worst-case scenario.

3rd step: What’s the cabinet’s material?

 How To Remove Fingerprint Stains From Cabinet?

Only when we think we got halfway through the cleaning process, here comes a silly yet essential matter you need to successfully remove fingerprint stains on your cabinets: determining which type of kitchen cabinet your family is using.

Not all cleaning solutions work for instantly removing fingerprint stains, might as well be aware of these:

  • Wooden cabinets
  • Glass cabinets
  • Cabinets with resin countertop
  • Laminate cabinets
  • Marble top cabinets

These materials don’t welcome cleaning materials the same way. For example, who knows if baking soda can remove fingerprint stains on these materials the same way? It may even cause breakage to some cabinet materials in this list.

Research your cabinets well. You want to make sure you only remove fingerprint stains and not damage the material altogether.

4th step: How to remove fingerprint stains?

Since there are several kinds of cabinets, let us give you tips in removing fingerprint stains through categories.

1. Wood Cabinet Fingerprint Removal –

one of the simplest methods of removing fingerprint stains on cabinets is wood. By simply using a soft cloth-like microfiber, tea towel, or old t-shirt, you can remove the lingering fingerprint you have there on the cabinet.

If you have trouble, wet your cloth a bit and make sure to wring it before wiping the cabinet down. We want to make sure that as you remove fingerprint stains from your cabinets, they won’t seep in water that can cause them to be moist and tear later on.

2. Glass Cabinet Fingerprint Removal –

one of the notorious problems that cause many mothers to feel stress is when glass tops or cabinets become a canvas. Glasses are clear, so it is hard to keep off surfaces looking squeaky clean. To keep yourself from disappointments, you need to employ rules in your kitchen or home where your glass cabinets would not get stains.

Ask your children and other family members to wipe off after they do their crafts, after cleaning or cooking, and others. Building up accountability will make them responsible and helpful around the home.

To remove fingerprint stains from your glass cabinets, use a lint-free cloth. Dip it in vinegar, but make sure to wring the fabric. As always, we do not want overly wet clothes to wipe our cabinets down. Wipe gently and let it dry. If the whole glass is full of fingerprint stain, remove it by spraying the vinegar into the glass, and then wipe it dry using your lint-free cloth.

For better results, you can use polishing paste or glass cleaners to achieve that sparkle it did have before.

3. The directions above can be helpful for Marble, resin, and laminated cabinet tops if you have unique cabinet countertops.

You might want to use some all-purpose wipes for cleaning. Wipe it thoroughly until dry. You could also use some vinegar and a dry cloth for wiping the cabinets down. Remember that you can use baking soda but never use abrasive pads or scrubs like steel wool to avoid further problems like scratches.

How To Remove Fingerprint Stains From Cabinet? – Conclusion

 How To Remove Fingerprint Stains From Cabinet?

Removing fingerprint stains has never been this easy. We know our situations are never the same as each other, but we all have days where we can rejoice; our homes are better if we have a family around with us, simply enjoying life as it should be.

Here is to less stressful days and more happy moments at home with your family! Good luck!

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